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Our Mission

Simple, yet complex, to develop then provide (at low or no cost) affordable housing design and construction solutions to the people, not for profit housing providers, developers and builders alike who will then implement these designs in affordable housing projects all around the country. Each design is based on “modern methods of construction”. Using the most current and innovative modular, prefabricated and panelized systems. Each project package will provide detailed 3D drawings, manufacturing instructions, supplier lists, detailed site and foundation plans, site plan approval considerations, as well as detailed site logistics and installation instructions. Basically turn key packages of information that will allow for the quick construction of affordable housing projects. 

Who Are We?

We are a practical pragmatic group of people with many years of experience within the construction, development and planning world. Looking to help to solve the affordable housing crisis. Working with our “Friends of Affordable Housing”. we will make a difference. Lead by our Executive Director -Steven Haylestrom, long time builder, designer and implementor of Manufactured Housing of all types. He can be reached directed by email at StevenH@AHFA.ca please feel free to contact him.

Friends of Affordable Housing

Some of the companies and people dedicated to finding and creating NEW INNOVATIVE ways to make affordable housing a reality. If you or your company would like to join the ranks of the “Friends of Affordable Housing, please reach out to StevenH@AHFA.ca

“it is hard to argue that housing is not a fundamental human need. Decent, affordable housing should be a basic right for everybody in this country (and everywhere). The reason is simple: without stable shelter, everything else falls apart.”

"The struggle for Truly Affordable Housing is upon us. We need more than Government Promises and announcements of the same money over and over. We need action quickly and effectively to get housing built now. Advanced Local Manufacturing, this could be the solution"

"The standard of 'affordable' housing is that which costs roughly 30 percent or less of a family's income. Because of rising housing costs and stagnant wages, slightly more than half of all poor renting families in the country spend more than 50 percent of their income on housing costs, and at least one in four spends more than 70 percent."

When our economy is truly healthy, and everyone rises with the tide of prosperity, then issues such as the lack of affordable housing, homelessness, and hunger are greatly diminished.